As a full-time student and part-time tutor, I understand how difficult it can be to carve out time to write in your daily routine.There's no denying that everyday writing is essential to improving your craft. Practice makes perfect, after all.
Sometimes it seems as though they're aren't enough hours in the day to get everything finished. It may feel like there's no time left to dedicate to art.
Let me tell you a secret: you always have time.
Even when it feels like the walls are closing in on you, you can make the time to write.
The key is learning to write in small sips as well as big swallows.
Most people don't have a solid hour or two to dedicate solely to writing. And that's okay. It's perfectly fine.
But if we can make time to catch up on social media, television shows, and video games, surely we should be able to save some room for our writing.
When it comes to working on a project, everything counts. Whether you spend five minutes on your piece or five hours, celebrate daily progress. Reward yourself for reaching milestones. Go easy on yourself.
Where do you find time in your schedule to write? How could you make more time for writing?
Click to tweet: Think you don't have time to write? Think again.
Great post, I think it's so important to write no matter how much you manage. Every little helps, as they say!
ReplyDeleteExactly! And thanks!
ReplyDeleteWriting is usually one of the first things I do in the morning. I get up, make a pot of coffee, and start writing. Whether it be a couple of paragraphs on my latest novel, or just adding/changing things in my last, I always try to work on something.
ReplyDeleteI wish I were that disciplined. It's difficult for me to write first thing in the morning.
ReplyDeleteReally? I feel like that's the time when my mind is fresh and I'm well-rested. And it's also quiet. My favorite time to write is early early morning! Like way before the sun comes up. When everything is still.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should try it! I just have a hard time getting out of bed.
ReplyDelete[…] The Kurosawa Guide to Daily Writing, The Importance of Daily Writing, Finding Time to Write, and The Beginner’s Guide to Daily […]
ReplyDelete[…] that in mind, however, sometimes it’s difficult to fit writing into our busy schedules. No matter how we try to carve out time to write, the day slips out from under us. We fall into bed […]