Z.R. Southcombe. I write children's fantasy.
When did you decide that you wanted to be a writer?
At the start of 2013.
What books have most shaped your writing and why?
Roald Dahl - what I grew up on and made me want to be a children's author. Also, he has a way of writing for children without being condescending, which I really respect.
Lemony Snickett - his dry humour and his use of 'big words', as well as darker themes, remind me that children's books don't have to be wrapped in cotton wool.
CS Lewis & Hilda Lewis (no relation that I know of!) - the depth language and old-school fantasy. Anything is possible :-)
What's one book you can reread without getting tired of it?
Only one?? I'm going to cheat and go for a series - The Chronicles of Narnia (which I happen to be re-reading right now!)
How do you feel about self-publishing vs. traditional publishing?
It's fun. That is all.
What's your writing routine like? What about your process?
All over the place! I work my day job from 3pm ish in the afternoon. Currently my routine is either morning pages or a walk, then dayjob stuff for a half hour or so, and then I have a good 4 hours for writing.
I have decided to keep this open, depending on what's going on. Right now, I'm spending a good chunk of that time on pre-launch activities for my first chapter book release. When I'm in the middle of a draft, I usually spend an hour or two drafting, and the rest editing or re-plotting.
How did you get published?
What's the best advice you have for writers looking to get published?
Surround yourself with awesome people.
What's a common misconception about publishing that needs to be addressed?
That getting published is the goal - it's the marketing afterwards that really makes a difference.
Where can people find your books? What about your blog or social media accounts?
My website, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
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